The Stressful Husband: ramblings of a husband and father

I need to talk...I'm a stressful husband.


I believe in a just world. I didn't it should be fair cause nothing is fair anyway in the first place, rather I want a system of justice to be in place, equality among people and a sense of belonging for all citizens of Malaysia. If not for myself, may it be for my children or those that come after me. I believe we can make a change. It happened before and it will happen again and again and again as long as we chose to stand for what it just. This blog is my effort for change. I use to run but due to some problems (my own) I had to shut it down. I accept comments but remember we comment within a sphere of responsibility. Cheers!

Monday, June 26, 2006

Office politics, constipation and my nightmare Monday

Office politics is something that I erk. Something that I really do not want to get involve with but in recent weeks it is something that has shoved itself into my face. I have been force to play it in order to survive attacks from my own office mate.

My very reputation is now at stack and honestly speaking it does not boil well for me. One, people think I am not doing my work. In actual fact, it is primarily because I really do not showcase my work. I don't parade it but to some that is fuel for talk that I do not do work at all. Secondly, I do not get personal in my dealings at work. Business is business and I'm professional in my replies and dealings with people. But to have someone say that you are not doing your work and to question why the organisation is paying you, then that is a personal attack.

Obviously the email was not meant to be read by me as I was the only one who did not get a copy. My bosses got a copy but I was cut out of the loop. These attacks have gone too far.

So I am going on the offensive. There is no point trying to be nice to some people. They deserve just rewards for their overly impressive statements.

To add to my stress. My youngest son, Evan, developed constipation problems over the weekend. We point it towards the milk powder that we have been giving him and have decided to switch to another brand. But until the effects are seen I will have to bear with his crying which is heart wrenching. I can't stand to see my son so helpless and in pain. There is nothing I can do but to ease his pain. What else can you do for a 1 month old baby? I pray that things will turn around by today.

These things have made my nightmare monday. It is a bad way to start the week. But I will have to endure it.


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