The Stressful Husband: ramblings of a husband and father

I need to talk...I'm a stressful husband.


I believe in a just world. I didn't it should be fair cause nothing is fair anyway in the first place, rather I want a system of justice to be in place, equality among people and a sense of belonging for all citizens of Malaysia. If not for myself, may it be for my children or those that come after me. I believe we can make a change. It happened before and it will happen again and again and again as long as we chose to stand for what it just. This blog is my effort for change. I use to run but due to some problems (my own) I had to shut it down. I accept comments but remember we comment within a sphere of responsibility. Cheers!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Financially stress, a husband's heart-ache.

I am counting the cents in my pockets. My take home pay is not enough to carry my family through. It is a good thing that wifey also works and her income can help in the household but the pride in me is cut to the core. It hurts when you know that you cannot really provide everything (in monetary terms) for your family. Heck, I cannot even feed myself sometimes what more to say my two sons and wifey.

So its added stress to me when financially, things are not as well as I want them to be.

Firstly, the economy is not getting any better. Things are getting more expensive each day. The world's economic climate is going down the drain, where the middle-income earners like me are stretch thin just to live well. With the wars in the middle-east pushing the price of oil up thus causing everything else to belly up in terms of cost. I can't take it if there is another price hike on oil. I probably have to sell the car if that happens.

Secondly, as a civil servant my pay will never rise any higher then my ankle. I am at the mercy of the government of the day. Yes, there is a year end bonus but it does not amount to anything. It is a bonus in name but in terms of substance, it does not help in the long run. I need a pay raise that will have a year long impact on my finances. A pay rise that is 50% of my current wage will really help. It will also be in step with rising cost of living. To date, it will take a small miracle to grant me a 50% pay raise. No, it will need a tsunami of events to change the mind-sets of the leaders of my country. I wish they would just using the peoples money to line their own pockets.

Whatever it is, things will not get any better. The word on the street is that in 2008, the world will slow down economically. This will put a strain on the government finance. I do not foresee much increments or bonuses for the civil servant. Our jobs may be secure but we lose out to our counterparts in the private world in terms of salary.

Until that time, I will have to condition my family to be more frugal in our living. Frugal, a word I did not learn until I start looking at the cents in my pockets.


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