The Stressful Husband: ramblings of a husband and father

I need to talk...I'm a stressful husband.


I believe in a just world. I didn't it should be fair cause nothing is fair anyway in the first place, rather I want a system of justice to be in place, equality among people and a sense of belonging for all citizens of Malaysia. If not for myself, may it be for my children or those that come after me. I believe we can make a change. It happened before and it will happen again and again and again as long as we chose to stand for what it just. This blog is my effort for change. I use to run but due to some problems (my own) I had to shut it down. I accept comments but remember we comment within a sphere of responsibility. Cheers!

Monday, June 05, 2006

Living with stress

I'm 31 this year and I live with my parents.

Rationally it is a good thing. I save on a lot of things. Living under the same roof as my parents mean that I don't need to provide so much for my family. But we do have a few household things that are in duplicates. We have two television sets, two washing machines and separate bathrooms. We share the groceries and basic toiletries such as toilet paper. Things should be good but they are not.

For one, I still have to live with my mother in my ear. She still has a huge say in the running of the house. Not to mention in running my life. In short I am trading convenience with stress. Unnecessary stress. Stress that I can live without and since we are sharing house, stress that I cannot avoid. Try if I may, it is something that I have to live with.

It's a balancing act for me. Balancing the my family with my parents. Now that my family has expanded with the introduction of another son (that makes two of them) things have just become more complicated for me. Both are still toddlers (the eldest being only 2 years) the stress on me is emotional, physical and financial. I have a lot on my mind and having my mum around will not make things better. True, she takes care of the children when I am off at work but at least show some measure of grace and mercy when I am at home. Instead I am barrage with additional stress. At times the thought of sleeping in my office does cross my mind.

What escape do I have?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should be more grateful to have such a good family. Thought she may be irritating at some times, she has a burden to take good care for the whole family. She has the stress too :Z
Therefore, it's better to accomodate some space for the family. Eg. take a one day-trip with your EG9 to places your mother has been in the past.
Just be a good son and live happily

6:04 PM  

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