The Stressful Husband: ramblings of a husband and father

I need to talk...I'm a stressful husband.


I believe in a just world. I didn't it should be fair cause nothing is fair anyway in the first place, rather I want a system of justice to be in place, equality among people and a sense of belonging for all citizens of Malaysia. If not for myself, may it be for my children or those that come after me. I believe we can make a change. It happened before and it will happen again and again and again as long as we chose to stand for what it just. This blog is my effort for change. I use to run but due to some problems (my own) I had to shut it down. I accept comments but remember we comment within a sphere of responsibility. Cheers!

Friday, June 09, 2006

My sons - Ryan and Evan.

It has started.

My eldest son, Ryan, feels a tad jealous when me and wifey pay attention to his younger brother. Whatever that his younger brother has, he nows wants. It looks sweet at first but I am worried. I don't want him to feel that we love him less. It is never the case. I love my two sons more than my own life. But does not know that yet.

So we handle the situation as best we can. By reassuring him that his younger brother is not a threat. The first few days upon returning home with my second son, Evan, Ryan seemed to withdraw into his own world. Looking lost at first, he slowly showed signs of aggression towards Evan. It was as if Ryan was stating his claim of being the first born. Wifey and I had to slowly introduce Evan to him. We had to introduce "baby" to him.

To Ryan, Evan is "baby". Yup, for someone his age (1 year 11 months) he could identify that Evan was a baby. It was the first word Ryan uttered when he saw Evan for the first time. Something that I will tell him when he gets older.

I hope to see my two sons live life as more than brothers but also as best friends. That in this journey we call life, they will have each other. That this will carry them through long after I am gone.



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