The Stressful Husband: ramblings of a husband and father
I need to talk...I'm a stressful husband.
About Me
- Name: Maclean Patrick
I believe in a just world. I didn't it should be fair cause nothing is fair anyway in the first place, rather I want a system of justice to be in place, equality among people and a sense of belonging for all citizens of Malaysia. If not for myself, may it be for my children or those that come after me. I believe we can make a change. It happened before and it will happen again and again and again as long as we chose to stand for what it just. This blog is my effort for change. I use to run but due to some problems (my own) I had to shut it down. I accept comments but remember we comment within a sphere of responsibility. Cheers!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
I managed to reclaim this blog back. I actually went on to manage other blogs and remembered this rather personal blog I started. It happens when you have too many things to consider that other things get sidelined.
Plus, I've finally can call myself a writer. I had a book published last year and it hit the stores in January. Being in Malaysia, writing a book and getting it out into the stores is a big thing, considering the fact I pulled it through while handling two hyper boys.
Well, my two sons are now both coming 4 and 2. I've a lot of pictures because I've taken up photography some time back and I have been practicing on my two boys. I'll make a mental note to put them up here.
Looking at my two boys, I tend to see that my role in their lives is important. So often, fathers are under-appreciated for their roles in raising children. In fact, the fathers are the ones who provide that sense of security and a point of reference for the child.
If the father is strong then the children are strong too.
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